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Home - Interpeace : Interpeace
6 juin, 2023
Projet agricole Yabicho

  Inter-clan disputes between the Degodia and Garre tribes of Mandera County plagued the period from 2010 to 2015 in Kenya. This conflict claimed countless lives and led to livestock raiding and property destruction. The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) and Interpeace, recognising the urgent need for a ceasefire, initiated inter community dialogues within […]

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1 juin, 2023
The Great Lakes Youth Peace (GLYP) Summit – 2023

  The Great Lakes Youth Peace (GLYP) Summit, organised by Interpeace and its partner organisations, the Centre d’Alerte et de Prévention des Conflits (Burundi), Action pour la Paix Concorde (DRC), Pole Institute (DRC), Refugee Law Project (Uganda), Never Again Rwanda (Rwanda), and Vision Jeunesse Nouvelle (Rwanda), provided a platform for young people to have their […]

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23 mai, 2023
Peace Responsiveness in Practice: FAO irrigation & water management projects contributing to Peace in Somalia

  By 2018, years of drought in Somalia had seen irrigation structures decay and access to water resources became more precarious. Both were contributing to recurring community conflicts. A Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) -led project sought to respond by partnering with Interpeace's Somalia team. A participatory context analysis identified the issues driving conflict and […]

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18 mai, 2023
National Conference on Societal Healing in Rwanda

On 9 March 2023, Interpeace organised a high-level national conference in Rwanda to share the outcomes, challenges & lessons identified from its societal healing pilot programme implemented in Bugesera District. The programme created community-based healing spaces that contributed to reducing trauma, strengthening mental resilience, increasing the sense of safety, trust, cohesion & reconciliation among Genocide […]

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12 mai, 2023
Stabilising the North Rift: Lessons learned from the peacebuilding experience of NCIC and Interpeace

The recent insecurity in Kenya’s North Rift is a multifaceted issue with complex and interconnected underlying drivers. The region has a long history of marginalisation and violence, which has led to a deep-seated mistrust of the government, intercommunal animosity, and a belief that communities must provide for their own security. Jointly with NCIC, Interpeace has […]

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27 avril, 2023
Integrating gender in peace responsiveness

The paper provides a conceptual framing for understanding the integration of a gender lens into peace responsiveness, and provides actionable tools for organisations to achieve optimal peace impacts and promote gender equality. Substantively, the paper posits that neither “gender” nor “peace” outcomes can be fully advanced without consideration of each other: they each represent sets […]

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